Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Build a Mini Greenscreen Studio

From The Frugal Filmmaker is this cool look at how a mini greenscreen studio was built in a kitchen. 

This is the perfect article to read for anyone who needs to build such a set-up but are confined by the limitations of a small place such as a apartment.

Full article here.


Andrew said...

This is very cool, although I'd recommend using some sort of fluorescent fixture instead of work lights; they're hot and there is a real (although minor) risk of injury or fire with a set-up like that.

With a little electrical know-how you could even build your own DIY Kino Flo fixture and take advantage of their amazing lamps (Kino lamps are perfect for lighting green/blue screen).

Tim Shrum said...

Good idea. Mind if I post what you said to the post?