Monday, April 9, 2007


I started using EffectsLab again. For those taking notes I am using EffectsLab Lite which is the cheaper version. A version that lacks some presets and whatnot, but is still decent to work with.

One of my goals in life is to master the use of EffectsLab and with it create a visual effects demo reel to show to clients. At the moment I am practicing with the particle emitter and have been creating blood spurts, smoke, and fire.

For some reason large digital fires is rather difficult to achieve with the EffectsLab. I have tried the Huge Fire preset, but for some reason it does not work for me. I can create a whole new particle preset using the images that are on file and make a huge fire, but when I try to do the shortcut by using a preset, I fail to make even a spark. What gives?

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